Wednesday 18 June 2008

Blood And Chocolate (2007) 6/10

Starring : Agnes Bruckner, Hugh Dancy, Olivier Martinez, Katja Riemann, Bryan Dick
Director : Katja von Garnier
Running Time : 95 mins

Young American orphan Vivian (Bruckner) has been brought up in Romania by her aunt Astrid (Riemann), and as part of a werewolf clan she’s been promised to her cousin Gabriel (Martinez), but when Vivian meets Aiden (Dancy), a magazine writer who is researching werewolves for his publisher, they instantly fall in love. This leads to Gabriel wanting Aiden out of the picture, and he sets his pack on the poor man.

This actually wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be, and was actually just as good if not better than the Underworld series of films. There’s a sense of Romeo and Juliet about the plotline, but this actually gives the actors a little more much needed characters as, although the action and storyline are fine, the characters are a little under developed.

You’ll like this if you liked : Underworld

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