Director : Mars Callahan
Running Time : 91 mins
Johnny (Callahan) is obsessed with pool and has the potential to be one of the best, but he is being held back by his manager and professional hustler Joe (Palminteri). When he discovers that Joe kept him out of a tournament worth $100,000, Johnny gets him beaten up by throwing a game worth $20,000, but as he tries to get on the straight and narrow and play pool professionally, Joe comes after Johnny and his friends with a vengeance.
This wasn't a bad movie, although the plot was a little far-fetched. Callahan isn't the most charismatic lead, and Eastwood is a little too unforgiving as girlfriend Tara, but the additional casting of Palminteri and Walken is what really made the movie, as did Callahan's circle of friends in the film.
You’ll like this if you liked : The Hustler
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