Wednesday 10 December 2008

Fools Gold (2008) 8/10

Starring : Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, Donald Sutherland, Alexis Dziena, Ewen Bremner, Ray Winstone, Kevin Hart
Director : Andy Tennant
Running Time : 113 mins

Ben Finnegan (McConaughey) and his soon-to-be ex-wife Tess (Hudson) find themselves thrown together again when Finn discovers evidence that the Queens Dowry, a treasure he's been in search of for many years, may finally be in reach. Making use of Tess's boss Nigel Honeycutt (Sutherland) and his vast fortune, the two set off in search of the treasure, all the while trying to avoid rapper Bigg Bunny (Hart) who is after Finn who owes him a lot of money.

As far as romantic adventure movies go this wasn't that bad. The performances weren't brilliant, but they were consistent and made for appealing viewing. Some of the characters were a little too stereotypical, but if you look past that and just try to enjoy the movie you'll find it's a n intriguing though not a thought provoking watch.

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