Friday 29 August 2008

Artificial Intelligence : AI (2001) 7/10

Starring : Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor, Sam Robards, William Hurt, Brendan Gleeson
Director : Steven Spielberg
Running Time : 140 mins

Following the seemingly irreversible illness of their son, a young couple decide to purchase a robot child named David (Osment) which they use as a replacement for their son, but when their real son recovers and comes home, they start to realise that having a robot around the house could be quite dangerous so decide to get rid of him. Soon David finds himself wandering the streets in a world filled with robot hating humans, his only wish being to become a real boy.

I found the first hour of this movie the best part, in fact it felt on first viewing like David's story was over once Gigolo Joe showed up, but despite a considerably bizarre and almost unnecessary last half hour, this is still a fascinating movie which could have been so much better if it had have ended with David getting frozen.

You’ll like this if you liked : I, Robot

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