Thursday 1 January 2009

Seabiscuit (2003) 7/10

Starring : Tobey Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper, Elizabeth Banks, Gary Stevens, William H Macy
Director : Gary Ross
Running Time : 134 mins

Three men, all of whom have been affected by the Wall Street Crash of the late 1920s, club together to buy Seabiscuit, a useless racehorse who has never won a race, and hope to train him to become a winner. As their training progresses, they soon discover that Seabiscuit has the potential of being a true champion racehorse.

This is an intriguing movie which takes the lives of the three main characters, a car dealer, a wannabe jockey and a horse trainer, and merges them together through the life of one horse Based on a true story, this feel good drama really goes as far as possible to make all the events seem way over the top, but thankfully the performances of the leads makes this far more effectual than the director could have made it with lesser actors.

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