Monday 26 January 2009

Charlie Bartlett (2007) 8/10

Starring : Anton Yelchin, Hope Davis, Robert Downey Jr, Kat Dennings
Director : Jon Poll
Running Time : 97 mins

Charlie Bartlett (Yelchin) has been kicked out of every private school he's ever attended, so as a last resort his mother Marilyn (Davis) enrols him in a regular high school. Once there he is faced with bullies and the fact that he doesn't fit in, so he resorts to selling his ritilin medication to the pupils as a way of getting them to like him.

This is a very witty movie that uses the talents of Downey and Davis to help make it into something special. Yelchin puts in an amiable performance as the eponymous hero who uses his wits and cunning to make friends and influence people into bettering themselves. This is a great little movie that is sure to become something of a cult classic in a few years

You’ll like this if you liked : American Beauty

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