Director : Gore Verbiski
Running Time : 168 mins
In what should be the final instalment of the popular trilogy, Elizabeth Swann (Knightley) and Captain Barbossa (Rush) seek the aid of Sao Feng (Chow) in their quest to rescue Jack Sparrow (Depp) from the land of the dead. Amidst treachery and betrayal, they make their way to World’s End whilst Davy Jones (Nighy) and Lord Beckett (Hollander) pursue them in the hope of ridding the seas of all pirate kind. An alliance is suggested by the Pirate Lords to release the goddess Calypso (Harris) from the prison their predecessors set for her in order to stop Davy Jones and his ghostly crew.
This was a pretty long movie, bordering on 3 hours, and it really felt like 3 hours! A lot of stuff really could have been cut from the film, although the character of Calypso was very much underused. Overall I would class this as the least strong of the trilogy, but in no way do I mean that this was a bad film.
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