Director : Sam Raimi
Running Time : 140 mins
Everything in the life of Peter Parker (Maguire) is going great, but when a strange alien substance bonds with him, bringing out his worst qualities, things start to go downhill fast. Coupled with the fact that he discovers the real killer of his Uncle Ben is still alive and well, Parker becomes quite the anger filled individual. Having finally realised that the substance that makes up his new costume is having a negative affect on him, he vows to rid himself of it forever, but once free of Peter the costume sets its sights on discredited photographer Eddie Brock (Grace).
Although very long, and containing unnecessary scenes which could have quite easily been cut from the film, this was a definite improvement on the second instalment, especially the effects for when Flint Marko becomes the Sandman. There’s was a good mix of conversation and action scenes, the characters flowed well from the previous movie, but my main gripe was the opening and closing of the film, both of which had parts that seemed quite unnecessary.
You’ll like this if you liked : Spider-Man 2
I thought it was ok - not as good as the other two though! To long, and trying to pack too much in. Venom is completely wasted!
He turned up after 1hr45mins? What a pointless endevour! I did think it was better than 2 though...
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