Friday 4 May 2007

Classic Friday : Idle Hands (1999) 8/10

Starring : Devon Sawa, Seth Green, Elden Henson, Jessica Alba
Director : Rodman Flender
Running Time : 88 mins

Anton Tobias (Sawa) is a complete slacker. Then one morning he wakes up to find that both his parents have been murdered and turned into Halloween decorations! He soon discovers that he killed them, or more accurately his right hand, which has been possessed by the Devil! In a desperate attempt to stop himself from killing again, following the murder of his best friends Mick (Green) and Pnub (Henson) he chops his own hand off, but it runs off on its own, and is after Molly (Alba), the girl at school that Anton loves.

One of the silliest horror films I've ever seen, and therefore one of my favourites, this film is perfect for anyone who enjoyed The Evil Dead or Shaun Of The Dead.

You'll like this if you liked : Shaun Of The Dead

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