Director : Sam Raimi
Running Time : 96 mins
Ashley Williams (Campbell), after being forced to decapitate his girlfriend after she became infected by the deadites let loose by The Necronomicon, The Book Of The Dead, is accidentally sent back in time to medieval England where he discovers the deadites are roaming the country with their army of the dead. Soon Ash is called upon to fight this army of darkness, and is forced to put all the skills he has acquired fighting the dead to good use.
Many consider this to be the best of The Evil Dead series, and in many ways it is. It has the best story and the best ending, and is probably the most accessible to the general public. There are two endings, one of which pretty neatly ties up the series to a close, but it is the other ending that is the most fun and leads to the most speculation about the future of this series.
You’ll like this if you liked : Shaun Of The Dead
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