Director : Darren Aronofsky
Running Time : 110 mins
Professional wrestler Randy ‘The Ram’ Robinson (Rourke) has led a hard life, his only compensation is his strange relationship with a stripper named Cassidy (Tomei), but when he suffers a heart attack he is forced to give up wrestling and take it easy, starting a job in a store rather than in a ring, but he soon starts to miss his old life and despise his new one, seeking to get back into wrestling even though doing so could kill him.
Simply put, Mickey Rourke was made for this role. His over the top hair and his look of someone who’s been treated badly by life makes this movie all the more believable. His characters wish to basically end his life by doing the sport he loves is a violent yet touching story. And at the age of 44, Marisa Tomei still looks sensational!
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