Thursday 9 April 2009

The Covenant (2006) 7/10

Starring : Steven Strait, Laura Ramsey, Sebastien Stan, Taylor Kitsch
Director : Renny Harlin
Running Time : 98 mins

A group of four teenagers, descended from a group of powerful wizards, are soon due to ascend to higher power on their 18th birthdays, but when people start to mysteriously die power related deaths they discover that a fifth wizard, one descended from an evil banished clan, exists and that their certain power may not be as certain as they thought.

Basically this is The Craft with a male cast and a worse soundtrack. The visual effects are actually pretty good, and teenagers who like movies like Twilight will get a kick from this, but the plot is so simple that it gives little to the audience in terms of character development and complexity.

You’ll like this if you liked : The Craft

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