Thursday 23 April 2009

Bobby (2006) 7/10

Starring : Laurence Fishburne, Heather Graham, Anthony Hopkins, Helen Hunt, Ashton Kutcher, Lindsay Lohan, William H Macy, Demi Moore, Christian Slater, Sharon Stone, Elijah Wood
Director : Emilio Estevez
Running Time : 117 mins

In the United States on the day of the 1968 Presidential Election a group of people at the hotel being used as Kennedy's campaign headquarters, ranging from staff, guests and campaign members, find their lives brought together during the events leading up to the attempted murder of Robert Kennedy.

This movie is filled with both drama and humour, and the mix is just enough to keep it entertaining on most levels, but it does run a little long considering how basic the plotline is. The stellar cast really push this movie forward, but in my opinion the stories don't all feel like they reach their natural conclusion

You’ll like this if you liked : Crash

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