Director : Larry Charles
Running Time : 78 mins
Overly flamboyant Austrain wannabe fashion guru Bruno (Cohen) travels to the USA to try to make a name for himself, but ends up resorting to desperate tactics to make himself a celebrity including sex videos, adoption, and eventually tries to make himself straight like all of his favourite actors, including Tom Cruise and Kevin Spacey.
This is such a gross out movie that I can't think of anyone who wouldn't turn away from the screen at least once. If you thought Borat's mankini was too close to the bone, wait until you see some of the devices and outfits that he pulls out of the closet in this. To be blunt, this isn't intelligent humour, and some of it isn't even that funny, but it's sheer disgustingness will raise at least one laugh out of anyone with a sense of humour.
You’ll like this if you liked : Borat
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