Tuesday 21 July 2009

Little Fish (2005) 7/10

Starring : Cate Blanchett, Sam Neill, Hugo Weaving, Martin Henderson
Director : Rowan Woods
Running Time : 114 mins

Ex-heroin addict Tracy Heart (Blanchett) is trying to make something of her life by going into business with her boss and expanding their video store to incorporate an internet café, but things have a way of coming back to haunt Tracy as she is faced with her tainted past when her ex-boyfriend Jonny (Nguyen) shows up and he and her brother Ray (Henderson) convince her to use drug money to raise the funds for her new shop.

This isn’t a bad little film, which starts off strong and has strong actors in the lead roles, but it does start to get a little confused towards the end. The story is intriguing and will keep you engrossed, but it really needed more substance in the last half hour to keep its momentum going.

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