Tuesday 22 July 2008

I Think I Love My Wife (2007) 7/10

Starring : Chris Rock, Kerry Washington, Gina Torres, Steve Buscemi, Edward Herrmann
Director : Chris Rock
Running Time : 94 mins

Richard Cooper (Rock) is completely bored with married life, and finds his wife Brenda (Torres) tiresome, so when an old friend appears from the past asking for help in the ultra sexy form of Nikki Tru (Washington), Richard finds himself spending more and more time with her, and starts to wonder how long it will be before he slips and makes a mistake which could cost him his marriage.

This was an entertaining movie which finally puts Rock in the movie spotlight after what seems like an eternity. It’s hard to sympathise with his character, who makes so many mistakes it’s beyond belief, but thanks the directing not being too over the top this seemed to work in favour of the movie and made for an interesting, though uncomfortable, watch.

You’ll like this if you liked : The Heartbreak Kid

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