Thursday, 27 February 2014

The World’s End (2013) 8/10

Starring : Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine, Eddie Marsan, Rosamund Pike
Director : Edgar Wright
Running Time : 110 mins

Gary King (Pegg) wants nothing more than to relive his youth by reuniting his estranged high school friends and completing the pub crawl they first attempted twenty-three years earlier, but as they progress through the pubs of Newton Haven they soon discover that everything is not as it seems and that humankind may be in danger of extinction if they don’t do something about it.

Although nowhere near as good as Shaun Of The Dead or Hot Fuzz, this third movie in Edgar Wright’s Three Flavours Trilogy has some great scripting and some wonderful comedy moments. The idea of mankind being replaced by mechanical beings of unknown origin isn’t that original, but the approach was funny and the lead up to the fight scene in the toilet makes the following events all the more surprising.

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