Tuesday, 18 February 2014

The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) 8/10

Starring : Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Chandler, Rob Reiner
Director : Martin Scorsese
Running Time : 180 mins

Jordan Belfort (DiCaprio) just starts his first job on Wall Street as a stock broker when Black Monday hits and he finds himself looking for new work. He takes a job at a small company as a penny broker, selling stocks to the working class, and finds he is able to make thousands on the 50% mark –up. It isn’t long before he establishes his own company, selling penny stocks to the rich, but soon finds himself being investigated by the FBI.

This movie is filled with some darkly hilarious moments that will at the very least bring a smile to your face. DiCaprio is great in the lead as the money hungry Wall Street wannabe that manages to make a career out of manipulating people into giving him their money. I couldn’t quite get to grips with the idea that this movie glamorised what Belfort did with his life – in spite of the sex and drugs lifestyle portrayed in the first half of the movie - as many thing go downhill for him, and I can only assume that some reviewers may not have watched the movie to its conclusion or read into the subtleties about Belfort’s personality.

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