Monday 3 March 2014

Secondhand Lions (2003) 7/10

Starring : Michael Caine, Robert Duvall, Haley Joel Osment, Kyra Sedgwick
Director : Tim McCanlies
Running Time : 110 mins

A young boy named Walter (Osment) is sent to live with his great uncles Garth (Caine) and Hub (Duvall) by his mother Mae (Sedgwick) who claims she is going off to work for a couple of months. Walter soon learns that his uncles are suspected of having millions hidden somewhere on their plot of land, and the stories he hears about how they apparently acquired the money span from them robbing a Sheik to them being ex-gangsters who stole the money from Al Capone.

This family movie is at times interesting, but there’s a lot of time spent just meandering along with no real direction. The only real plot line is Walter trying to discover the truth about his uncles – which he eventually does in the end – by the journey towards this discover is at times a little dull. Still, there are some fun moments, and its the eccentricities of the characters that lie at the heart of this film.

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