Monday 6 June 2011

Flight Of The Living Dead (2007) 5/10

Starring : David Chisum, Kristen Kerr, Kevin J O’Connor
Director : Scott Thomas
Running Time : 90 mins

A scientist who has been infected by an experimental virus that can reanimate dead tissue is secretly transported on board a red eye flight to Paris. When she is shot and killed, her corpse comes back from the dead and starts infecting everyone on board, turning them into flesh eating zombies.

This movie is about as hammy as you can get. The concept of managing to sneak a human body onto an international American flight is incredibly unlikely in this post 9/11 day and age, and that coupled with the pretty bad special effects and implausible gun play on board the plane makes this a definite cae of switching off and suspending disbelief. Horror fans will find this funny, and non-horror fans will just think it’s stupid. I’d suggest watching Quarantine 2, which is basically a slightly better made rip off of this.

You’ll like this if you liked : Quarantine 2 : Terminal

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