Director : Jared Hess
Running Time : 88 mins
A monk named Nacho (Black) dons a mask and takes up wrestling in order to make money to help improve meals at the orphanage in which he works and to win the affections of attractive nun Sister Encarnación (de la Reguera).
Normally I like Jack Black films. School Of Rock was fantastic, High Fidelity was good, I love Shallow Hal, even King Kong wasn't as bad as people say, but this was terrible! Imagine my horror as I sit down to watch this, the day after watching Napoleon Dynamite, and discovering some very familiar opening credits. Imagine my further horror as I realise that those responsible for Napoleon Dynamite had more than a slight hand in this production. After watching this, I was almost tempted to bump my rating up on Dynamite!
You'll like this if you liked : Napoleon Dynamite