Monday 10 October 2016

Annabelle (2014) 6/10

Starring : Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton, Tony Amendola, Alfre Woodard
Director : John R Leonetti
Running Time : 99 mins

Mia Form (Wallis) is pregnant with her first child, and her husband John (Horton) buys her a gift of a collectable vintage doll for which she’s been searching for years. But when the doll is tainted during a home invasion, she loses her love for the doll as strange things begin to happen in their lives.

This had potential, but it doesn’t really meet it. Spun off from the opening scene of The Conjuring (and loosely based on a true case of an actual haunted doll named Annabelle, which was actually a Raggedy Ann doll and not a valuable porcelain doll) this tries to give a reason for the doll being possessed, but just makes it too obvious about the direction the movie is going to take. I’m sure that the true story had no logical reason for the dolls possession, but modern movie goers do need explanations in their movies for them to work, plus the true story is kind of dull.

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