Friday 15 April 2016

Pride And Prejudice And Zombies (2016) 7/10

Starring : Lily James, Sam Riley, Jack Huston, Bella Heathcote, Douglas Booth, Matt Smith, Charles Dance, Lena Headey
Director : Burr Steers
Running Time : 103 mins

Colonel Darcy (Riley) travels to a village in 19th Century England after hearing rumours of a recently infected zombie. There he meets Elizabeth Bennett (James), one of five sisters that have been trained in the art of killing zombies, but she takes an instant disliking to him after overhearing his comments about her.

I never read the parody book that this movie is based on, but if this is loyal to the text then it’s a pretty decent parody. It isn’t just the original Austen novel with the word zombie thrown in, there is a new plot about a version of the zombie that lives on pig brains and hasn’t gone completely savage. Fans of the original Austen novel might find this a little much to swallow, but if you like period dramas and zombie movies, then this is the perfect combination of the two.

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