Tuesday 13 October 2015

Wrong Turn 5 : Bloodlines (2012) 4/10

Starring : Doug Bradley, Camilla Arfwedson, Simon Ginty, Roxanna McKee, Paul Luebke, Oliver Hoare, Kyle Redmond-Jones, Amy Lennox
Director : Declan O’Brien
Running Time : 92 mins

Some college kids head to a small town in West Virginia to have fun at the annual Mountain Man festival that commemorates the disappearance of an entire town on Halloween in 1817. As they drive through town they crash their car and end up in jail for possessing drugs, but they’re in the company of a man named Maynard (Bradley), whose ‘boys’ are inbred hill folk who like nothing more than murdering and eating people.

Well, this was a disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, I expected it to be bad, but at least make it logically bad. The whole tone of the movie is wrong based on what has come before; it feels cartoony in places and there seems to be a sadistic sense of humour about the inbred cannibals, plus it’s supposed to be Halloween but there are no decorations up, which is unheard of in middle America. The town appears to be deserted, and even exploding shop fronts can’t draw the attention of locals who may have decided to stay in for the night. Even Doug ‘Pinhead” Bradley was terrible, making jokey references to his character in Hellraiser while saying the same thing over and over again in slightly different ways. Plus the whole idea of the characters being cannibals has become secondary. Instead they find random ways to total butcher their victims. Leaving nothing left over for them to eat. This series should have stopped with number two, which was pretty good. This, however, is cheap and lazy.

You’ll like this if you liked : Wrong Turn 4 : Bloody Beginnings

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