Wednesday 2 September 2015

Spike Island (2012) 7/10

Starring : Elliott Tittensor, Nico Mirallegro, Jordan Murphy, Adam Long, Oliver Heald, Emilia Clarke
Director : Matt Whitecross
Running Time : 101 mins

Four school friends in 1990s Manchester decide to make a demo tape of their band and travel to Widnes to hand it over to their idols, The Stone Roses, who are performing at a gig on Spike Island. Along the way they face obstacles that could ruin their chances, including a lack of tickets and an inevitable love triangle.

As a fan of The Stone Roses, it was fun to see a movie made about a group of teens who loved their music and would do anything to see their heroes and have them respect their music in return. Like a more dramatic version of The Inbetweeners, this road movie will have anyone from the UK reminiscing about the early nineties music scene and the rise of Brit Pop spinning out of The Roses Madchester influence.

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