Tuesday 17 February 2015

Transcendence (2014) 7/10

Starring : Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall, Paul Bettany, Cillian Murphy, Kate Mara, Cole Hauser, Morgan Freeman
Director : Wally Pfister
Running Time : 120 mins

Will Caster (Depp) has spent most of his life trying to develop an artificial intelligence that can possess both intelligence and emotion, and the controversy behind these ideas have made him both famous and notorious. When he is targeted by extremists that despise his concepts, he ends up being the source for his own experiments, diverting his own mind into one of his own experiments.

This is an okay movie, though it does go on a little longer than necessary. The story is simple and paced well, though it would have been nice to have a bit more emotion thrown in to make the artificial intelligence seem more human. I’m not saying this is a bad film; it does, after all, feel like it achieves what it set out to do, but it really needed a bit more everyman appeal for the AI storyline to work perfectly.

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