Tuesday 23 December 2014

Nativity 2 : Danger In The Manger! (2012) 5/10

Starring : David Tennant, Marc Wootton, Jason Watkins, Joanna Page, Ian McNeice, Rose Cavaliero, Jessica Hynes, Pam Ferris
Director : Debbie Isitt
Running Time : 106 mins

Desmond Poppy (Wootton) discovers that there is a countrywide competition open to schools to produce a Christmas song, but is informed by headmistress Mrs Bevan (Ferris) that the school doesn’t have the money or the resources to take the kids to Wales for the competition. So when new teacher Donald Peterson (Tennant) starts at the school, Mr Poppy tricks him on board a school bus and drives to Wales with the kids.

This starts off cute, but soon feels like a repeat of the first movie without any of the charm. I couldn’t figure what Mr Poppy’s reasoning was behind getting Mr Peterson on the school trip considering whoever went with him he was still kidnapping a school class. Basically this film is about an unstable man who kidnaps a classroom full of kids and, although small children might find the silliness entertaining, most grown ups will just look at how dangerous the fun this movie portrays would be in reality.

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