Wednesday 2 April 2014

Promised Land (2012) 8/10

Starring : Matt Damon, Frances McDormand, John Krasinski, Hal Holbrook
Director : Gus Van Sant
Running Time : 107 mins

Gas salespeople Steve Butler (Damon) and Sue Thomason (McDormand) arrive in a small rural town in the hope of getting the permission of the locals to allow them to drill on their land, but when local teacher Frank Yates (Holbrook) convinces the town that they need to hold a vote on the decision, Steve and Sue find their job a lot more difficult, and when eco fighter Dustin Noble (Krasinski) arrives in town and starts to stir up trouble, that difficulty becomes a near impossibility.

This was actually a reasonably entertaining movie with one hell of a twist in the end. Damon and McDormand make an interesting pairing and keep the drama light for the duration of the film, and Krasinski makes an interesting nemesis for them, what with him being the seemingly good guy of the piece, yet our focus is on the bad guys.

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