Thursday 5 September 2013

Star Trek : Into Darkness (2013) 9/10

Starring : Chris Pine, Zachary QuintoZoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, John Cho, Benedict Cumberbatch, Anton Yelchin, Bruce Greenwood, Peter Weller, Alice Eve
Director : JJ Abrams
Running Time : 133 mins

Captain James T Kirk (Pine) and his Enterprise crew of explorers find their lives in danger when they come across a terrorist called Khan (Cumberbatch) who wants to destroy Starfleet, but when the truth comes out that someone in Starfleet is involved with Khan and that Khan is a genetic experiment from 300 years in the past, Kirk finds that danger can come from any direction.

Now, many true fans of Trek disliked this movie, mainly due to petty things like Cumberbatch being white or because of the romance between Spock and Uhuru, but as a Star Trek fan myself I didn’t feel that these elements affected the overall appeal in any way, shape or form. Cumberbatch is great as the villain, though sometimes a little campy, and you don’t have to be a Trek fan to enjoy this sci-fi epic.

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