Tuesday 27 August 2013

Bachelorette (2012) 8/10

Starring : Kirsten Dunst, Lizzy Caplan, Isla Fisher, Rebel Wilson
Director : Leslye Headland
Running Time : 84 mins

Regan (Dunst), Gena (Caplan) and Katie (Fisher) are asked to be bridesmaids for Becky (Wilson), a girl they spent much if their high school years making fun of. As they try to put their differences aside in order to make her big day a memorable one, they accidentally destroy her dress the night before the wedding and face a race against time to get it repaired or replaced.

This isn’t the most original of movies, having many similarities to Bridesmaids, but I still really enjoyed it, probably because it had so many similarities to Bridesmaids. The humour is mostly subtle, though the characters are pretty stereotypical, and the relationships between the characters are somehow believable even though some of them have little in common. This is a fun filled comedy drama that has that feel-good factor that is missing in so many modern films.

You’ll like this if you liked : Bridesmaids

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