Tuesday 7 August 2012

Ted (2012) 5/10

Starring : Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Seth MacFarlane
Director : Seth MacFarlane
Running Time : 106 mins

As a child, John Bennet (Wahlberg) makes a Christmas wish for his stuffed bear Ted (MacFarlane) to come to life. When this comes true they become inseparable friends, but as the years pass by, John starts to wonder if maybe Ted should start to try and make a life of his own, especially when John decides to move in with his girlfriend Lori Collins (Kunis).

For a movie that looked so good from the trailers, and had so much promise, I should have known better than to think this would be brilliant. As usual, everything Seth MacFarlane touches turns to crap and becomes either completely repetitive or just takes the jokes too far. And when he ripped off the Saturday Night fever scene from Airplane and then didn’t make a reference to it? That just annoyed me! Mila Kunis could have easily been given the line “That never happened, that’s a scene from Airplane”, but clearly MacFarlane thought that the children that watch his rubbish might not have heard of a movie from thirty years ago. Don’t get me wrong, I though this was a great idea, it’s just that someone like Trey Parker would have handled it so much better.

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