Wednesday 13 April 2011

Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009) 6/10

Starring : Mathew Horne, James Corden, Paul McGann
Director : Phil Claydon
Running Time : 83 mins

When Jimmy (Horne) is dumped by his cheating girlfriend, and Fletch (Corden) is sacked from his job as a children’s entertainer, they decide that what their life needs is an adventure and head to a random location for a camping holiday. Fate chooses the small town of Cragwich, where they meet a troupe of Swedish hotties in a camper van. Unfortunately, the town holds an evil curse that dictates that every woman on their eighteenth birthday will turn into a lesbian vampire…

This movie desperately feels like it is trying to be another Shaun Of The Dead. The problem is that Edgar Wright was not involved in any way, and Corden and Horne aren’t really that funny. This is almost like watching a badly made modern Carry On film, and the two mains guys just feel like they’re trying too hard and failing badly.

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