Monday 24 January 2011

Boogie Woogie (2009) 5/10

Starring : Gillian Anderson, Alan Cumming, Heather Graham, Danny Huston
Director : Duncan Ward
Running Time : 91 mins

In the contemporary lifestyle of modern art expertise, a series of young hopefuls and ageing entrepreneurs try to make their mark on the world, some sleeping their way to the top, others being slept with as they fall from grace.

This movie wasn’t exactly what I’d call exciting. It mainly relied on the interconnected stories of a group of self-obsessed characters to try to progress a plot that was almost non-existent. The only redeeming feature is that it seems that this was the plan of the writers and director and that the shallowness of the characters is purely intentional and meant to be a clear representation of the sort of people that work in the modern art business.

You’ll like this if you liked : The Boat That Rocked

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